Contributions Calculator
The school receives an annual grant for standard provision of learning and teaching programs. A voluntary contribution allows us to provide your child with an enhanced learning program above the standard provision. All students benefit from the voluntary school contribution. We need your support by paying the amount endorsed by the School Council. The contribution is $60 per child and $45 per family for our P&C. The school can accept Bank Transfer, cheque or cash. Please go to the reception counter in the administration building.

Enter the number of students you have attending Halidon and the calculator will provide you with the total.
The full total is paid to the school and the P&C receives the family contribution from the school.
Number of Students
Contributions Calculation
School Contribution ($60 per student) $0
P&C Contribution ($45 per family) $45
Total $45
Direct Transfer Details
Account Name Halidon Primary School
BSB 016006
Account 340951726
Reference STUDENT/s Name